Jack Lowden stars in writer and director Terence Davies’ sorrowful and hilarious “Benediction,” which opens at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center on July 8.
Continuing is “Official Competition.”
“Benediction” explores the turbulent life of World War I poet Siegfried Sassoon (played by Lowden). The writer and soldier was a complex man who survived the horrors of fighting in the First World War and was decorated for his bravery but who became a vocal critic of the government’s continuation of the war when he returned from service. His poetry was inspired by his experiences on the Western Front, and he became one of the leading war poets of the era. Adored by members of the aristocracy, as well as stars of London’s literary and stage world, he embarked on affairs with several men as he attempted to come to terms with his homosexuality. At the same time, broken by the horror of war, he made his life’s journey a quest for salvation, trying to find it within the conformity of marriage and religion.
“Benediction,” which is rated PG-13 for disturbing war images, thematic elements and some sexual material, is showing through July 21.
In “Official Competition,” a billionaire businessman commissions a trio of egomaniacs — Lola Cuevas (played by Penélope Cruz), Félix Rivero (Antonio Banderas) and Oscar Martínez (Iván Torres) — to create a unique, groundbreaking film. The best-of-the-best team are legends, but not the best of friends.
Through a series of tests by Lola, Félix and Iván must confront each other and their own unique legacies.
“Official Competition,” which shows through July 14, is not rated.
Learn more about the films, including show times and ticket availability.