In observance of Women’s History Month, Nebraska Today has partnered with the Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Women to feature female office/service staff who go above and beyond in their work at Dear Old Nebraska U. This Women of Service series will run in Nebraska Today through March 30.

The series continues today with Carly Buser, an administrative technician with the BPAC Business Center. She was nominated by Dodie Eveleth, business manager in the BPAC Business Center.
“Carly is an inspiration for her positivity — the type of go-to person that everyone should want on their team,” Eveleth said. “She is a prime example of the type of person who, in all of her interactions, goes the extra mile for faculty, students and staff.”
Buser sat down with the Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Women to discuss what inspires her on and off campus.
Tell us a little about yourself.
I am a Nebraska transplant who grew up and graduated from college on the East Coast with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in health sciences. I love music and was in the marching band until I graduated college. I also played in a steel drum band in middle school and college. I am a dog mom, and I love taking him on adventures. And, I don’t save horror books and movies for just Halloween — I definitely have a wide range of tastes.
How long have you been at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln?
I have worked at UNL since October 2021.

What do you look forward to when you come to work?
I love coming to work and interacting with so many different groups of people — faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, staff, vendors, etc. I love being able to help when people have a question. I also try to stay positive in stressful situations and work to promote a better space for mental health Being a part of the higher education journey for so many Huskers is a great honor. My coworkers and I take great pride in what we do for our departments. It is so energizing to give back.
What is your favorite memory at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln?
So far, my favorite memory at UNL is serving on CAS Staff Council and hosting Connection Events. It is a great way to have us feel like we are a real community. In particular, seeing so many staff and faculty come together to have a cup of coffee, connect with one another, and vote on which dean was to be hit with a pie in the face. Being able to organize an event with others to create smiles was worth it. It was nice to see everyone’s silly sides.
What is your life like outside of work?
Outside of work, the thing that takes up most of my time is my dog, Murphy. He is a tiny dachshund mix who keeps me on my toes. He is so much fun to greet after a long day at work. I love reading and cooking new recipes. I love being creative with different types of food. I also love playing video games of all kinds with my friends and family across the country. I enjoy connecting with friends in so many different mediums.
What is something most people don’t know about you?
It might be a surprise to some people that I like to stream video games. During the pandemic, I wanted a way to stay connected to friends and family in ways that were still safe but more than a text or short phone call. Going online and communicating while playing games was such a fun experience that I wanted to continue it for a while. I will stream a game and a video of myself playing live while chatting with friends or strangers who find the game I am playing fun. Connecting with others with similar interests for you has never been easier.