The Bureau of Sociological Research is making plans for the 2018 Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey. University of Nebraska–Lincoln researchers are invited to consider adding questions to the survey for their own research objectives.
Interested faculty have until May 11 to initiative discussions about adding questions to the survey.
The annual survey is an omnibus questionnaire that can be a valuable source of information on the opinions and behaviors of adult household residences in Nebraska. It is a mailed survey with an average participation of about 1,000 responses. It has been conducted since 1977 and is a cost-effective way to obtain survey data as the expense for obtaining basic demographic information (such as age, sex, family and employment) is shared by all participating researchers.
Anyone interested in participating, or to inquire about possible involvement, contact Lindsey Witt-Swanson at lwitt2@unl.edu.
Data collection is scheduled to begin in July and end in the fall with client data delivered by late fall.