There’s more than books and study carrels to check out at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s iconic Love Library.
The University Libraries’ Media Services unit provides access to an array of digital recording devices — from DLSR cameras and camcorders to audio recorders and portable projectors — and related electronic accessories (including headphones if you forget yours at home). Other items available include video games (for Playstation and Xbox systems), movies, board games and virtual reality devices.
The majority of Media Services items can be checked out (with a valid NCard) for three days. Extensions are available by special request.
Five of the most popular Media Services items during the current summer term include:
Canon T6i Camera
A versatile DSLR, this camera is always among the top items checked out on campus each academic year. In recent semesters, students have used it in projects that have stretched from campus to Africa.
It's real. It's here. Check out a virtual reality set from media services at Love Library! pic.twitter.com/IEFw2oTLNl
— Libraries (@UNL_Lib) August 6, 2019
Canon G10 Vixia camcorder
Popular with broadcasting and theatre/film students, camcorder checkouts most often include add-ons like microphones and tripods. Learn more about all the items available for checkout

Nightmare Before Christmas DVD
A classic Halloween-Christmas crossover, the film is among hundreds of DVD and Blu-Ray discs available through the Media Services program. The collection includes additional popular films alongside a number of art-house productions.

Settlers of Catan
This popular board game allows players to become settlers, each attempting to build and develop holdings while trading and acquiring resources. Players gain points as settlements grow with the winner determined by who reaches a set number of points. The game includes many expansions, some of which are available through Love Library.

Dungeons and Dragons Player’s Handbook
This classic adventure gaming platform is gaining popularity through its prominence in the Netflix series “Stranger Things” and being featured in video streaming services like Twitch and YouTube. In each of the last five years, sales of D&D merchandise has grown by double digits. Love Library offers a number of D&D adventure books beyond the player's guide. The most popular is the Player’s Handbook, which outlines rules for character creation.

Learn more about the University Libraries’ Media Services unit.