February 14, 2025

Campus sparkles in winter beauty video

"Campus in White" by Aaron Nix, director of video. Click to play.

The recent snowfall that closed the University of Nebraska–Lincoln on Feb. 12 provided an opportunity for the University Communication and Marketing team to capture the campus blanketed in white.

The serene beauty of winter on campus is featured in the "Campus Video Series," an ongoing production that highlights the university's outdoor and academic spaces, focusing on sensory experiences and moments of contemplation.

The video team is led by Aaron Nix, director of video, and includes Curt Bright, broadcast specialist, and Abi Trembly, video intern.

Nix shared that the team plans to expand the series in the coming year.

“I love UNL’s campuses. Every time I walk on campus, I discover new experiences and notice fresh details,” Nix said. “I hope students, alumni, Nebraska residents and even people who have never visited UNL can watch these videos, find a moment of appreciation for our outdoor and academic spaces, and perhaps feel inspired to visit in person.”

Access the series on MediaHub.