Two dramas — one a tale of an out-of-work author who turns to desperate measures to make ends meet, the other capturing the struggles of a housewife in 1960’s Montana — open Nov. 16 at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center.
Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Based on a true story, “Can You Ever Forgive Me?” features Melissa McCarthy as Lee Israel, a once-famous celebrity biographer struggling to make ends meet after her books fall out of popularity. Running out of options, she turns to forgery and must deal with the consequences in this mix of comedy and drama.
“Can You Ever Forgive Me?” is rated R for language, including some sexual references, and brief drug use. It plays through Dec. 6.
“Wildlife” stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Carey Mulligan as husband and wife Jeanette and Jerry in a small Montana town in the 1960s. After Jerry loses his job as a golfer, he leaves to fight a wildfire near the Canadian border, leaving Jeanette and their 14 year-old son Joe to fend for themselves.
“Wildlife” is rated PG-13 for thematic material including a sexual situation, brief strong language, and smoking. It plays through Nov. 29.
For show times or more information on the films, visit the Ross website or call 402-472-5353.