The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s 300-member Cornhusker Marching Band makes its 2017 debut Sept. 2 at Memorial Stadium with pregame and halftime performances at Nebraska’s football season opener against Arkansas State.
This year’s band includes representatives from nearly every region of the country; however, 78 percent of the students are from Nebraska. Twenty-two percent of the students are music or music education majors. The rest are studying in more than 60 other degree programs across campus. Each band member passed two auditions to gain admittance to the group.
Anthony M. Falcone, associate director of bands in the Glenn Korff School of Music, is the director of the Cornhusker Marching Band. Douglas W. Bush is the assistant director of bands and assistant marching band director. Carolyn Barber, Ron and Carol Cope Professor of Music, is director of bands. Other band staff members are graduate teaching assistants Sarah Aymond, Christopher Brandt and Ruben Gomez. Mike Roe is the percussion instructor, and Michaela Vestecka is the color guard instructor. Rose Johnson is the administrative technician, Jan Deaton is the office associate, and Nolan Schmit is the “voice” of the band.
The drum majors for the 2017 marching band are sophomore Jacob Coughlin and senior Megan Coughlin, brother and sister from Omaha, and junior Rachel Hoffman of Beatrice. The twirler is junior Hannah Kollmann of Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

The Cornhusker Marching Band, which resides in the Korff School, was founded in 1879 as an ROTC unit and is one of the oldest marching bands in the nation. The band has received many honors throughout its 138-year history, including a Distinguished Recognition Trophy presented by John Philip Sousa in 1927 and the John Philip Sousa Foundation’s Sudler Trophy in 1996 for high musical standards and innovative marching routines. The Sudler Trophy is the highest honor given to collegiate bands.
The Pride of All Nebraska has been seen by millions of viewers on television. The band was the first collegiate ensemble to perform at all of the major football bowl games (Rose, Orange, Fiesta, Sugar and Cotton).
The following is a list of 2017 Cornhusker Marching Band members by hometown, instrument or role in band, year in school and academic major(s).
- Joseph Brugger, percussion, junior, applied science.
- Matthew Brugger, percussion, junior, applied science.
- Ian Nelson, trombone, senior, music education.
- Ellis Clopton, horn, junior, journalism.
- Anna Helzer, horn, sophomore, pre-Spanish.
- Drew Jensen, trumpet, sophomore, business administration.
- Katie Muilenburg, piccolo, junior, biological sciences.
- Megann Freese, clarinet, junior, business, communication studies and merchandising.
- Elijah Hoefer, trombone, freshman, theatre.
- Rachel Hoffman, drum major, junior, elementary education.
- Chauncey Kleveland, clarinet, junior, music education.
- Sam Baird, tenor saxophone, junior, political science.
- John Benson, percussion, senior, meteorology-climatology.
- Tanner Casart, trombone, senior, criminology and criminal justice.
- Carter Dawson, percussion, sophomore, advertising and public relations.
- Cesar Echevarria Mendez, alto saxophone, senior, electrical engineering.
- Angelica Gonzalez, clarinet, junior, music education.
- Katie Gullett, piccolo, freshman, biological sciences.
- Lauren Hanson, piccolo, senior, music.
- Aurora Kenworthy, clarinet, junior, history.
- Celeste Kenworthy, clarinet, freshman, geology and water science.
- Vincent Larson, trumpet, sophomore, music.
- Anthony McIntosh, percussion, sophomore, music.
- Lalah McLaughlin, piccolo, senior, biological sciences.
- Thanittha Sae-eurng, color guard, junior, psychology.
- Chandler Smith, horn, senior, biochemistry.
- Cassandra Wilson, piccolo, freshman, political science.
- Natalie Kent, tuba, senior, child, youth and family studies.
- Carly Poskochil, tenor saxophone, freshman, biological sciences.
- James Frazer, trumpet, freshman, architecture.
- Erika Swenson, color guard, freshman, undeclared.
- Frank Helman, tuba, junior, undeclared.
Central City:
- Jaeden Beyer, piccolo, sophomore, music education.
- Scott Smith, alto saxophone, graduate, agribusiness.
- Bethany Lambert, alto saxophone, senior, nutrition and health sciences (nutrition science option).
- Luke Bogus, percussion, freshman, business administration.
- Amy Heusinkvelt, color guard, sophomore, pre-secondary English (7-12).
- Tate Tobiason, percussion, junior, nutrition and health sciences (nutrition, exercise and health science option).
- Trenton Buhr, alto saxophone, sophomore, political science.
- Ethan Millington, tuba, sophomore, music education.
- Zakary Keck, trumpet, junior, computer science.
- Reid Pretzer, trumpet, freshman, agribusiness.
- Brice Dudley, tenor saxophone, freshman, software engineering.
- Mandy Houston, trumpet, senior, science (7-12).
- Madison Johnson, color guard, senior, hospitality, restaurant and tourism management, and leadership and communication.
- Benjamin Petrmichl, baritone, sophomore, music education.
- Ally Richardson, trombone, freshman, biological systems engineering.
- Bailey Vyhlidal, tuba, sophomore, undeclared.
- Zachary Vyhlidal, trombone, sophomore, mechanical engineering.
- Vanessa Woolsey, tenor saxophone, senior, music education.
Grand Island:
- Morgan Dennhardt, horn, junior, music education.
- Candelario Diaz, alto saxophone, freshman, pre-engineering.
- Logan Dickey, percussion, junior, accounting.
- Dalton Elliott, trombone, freshman, music.
- Molly Magana, alto saxophone, sophomore, music education.
- Norman Perez-Solares, trombone, freshman, pre-engineering.
- ZitaAnne Reno, trumpet, freshman, biochemistry and Spanish.
- Arlenne Rodriguez, alto saxophone, sophomore, mechanical engineering.
- Kalvin Schreiner, trombone, freshman, music education.
- Dalton Stout, color guard, senior, music education.
- Ryan Wiese, percussion, sophomore, agribusiness.
- LaRee Emanuel, color guard, senior, textiles, merchandising and fashion design (textile science).
- Andre Garivay, alto saxophone, freshman, software engineering.
- Jacob Pennisi, percussion, senior, nutrition and health sciences (nutrition, exercise and health science option).
- Rachael Purintun, color guard, senior, child, youth and family studies, and educational studies.
- Taylor Hinds, percussion, senior, athletic training.
- Lindsey LaBrie, tenor saxophone, sophomore, global studies.
- Benjamin Hintz, trombone, senior, agronomy, agribusiness, horticulture and mathematics.
- Ryan Koch, trumpet, freshman, political science.
- Mark Perez Jr., trumpet, freshman, music.
- Kaitlyn Quiring, trumpet, junior, advertising and public relations.
- Bethany Hage, clarinet, junior, computer science.
- Jenna McCoy, trumpet, freshman, meteorology-climatology.
- Brianna Rice, tenor saxophone, sophomore, music.
- Michael Siefert, trombone, senior, actuarial science.
- Joey Geisler, trombone, senior, agronomy.
- Maggie Swenson, clarinet, senior, pre-elementary education.
- Lauren Falconer, clarinet, junior, women’s and gender studies.
- Sam Harre, trumpet, freshman, mechanical engineering.
- Ashton Malcom, piccolo, freshman, music education.
- Lauren McNeal, percussion, sophomore, political science, psychology and Spanish.
- Ryli Robideau, piccolo, freshman, pre-health.
La Vista:
- Connor Pumilia, horn, freshman, music education.
- Ben Vanness, alto saxophone, sophomore, undeclared.
- Landon Mader, alto saxophone, freshman, undeclared.
- Sheridan Rieke, color guard, junior, psychology.
- Ross Rogers, baritone, senior, pre-elementary education.
- Aracely Acosta Garcia, tenor saxophone, sophomore, music education.
- Jason Ahl, percussion, senior, actuarial science.
- Baylee Andersen, trombone, freshman, international business.
- Tom Anderson, tenor saxophone, senior, mathematics.
- Nathan Bacon, trumpet, freshman, undeclared.
- Tara Brockman, piccolo, freshman, undeclared.
- Lena Buckner, baritone, senior, elementary education.
- Elliot Choi, baritone, senior, psychology.
- Rachel Conradt, color guard, freshman, graphic design.
- Shadid De La Rosa Montiel, piccolo, senior, biochemistry.
- Austin Essman, trombone, sophomore, music.
- Jacob Evans, tuba, sophomore, civil engineering.
- Zachary Felton, horn, junior, criminology and criminal justice.
- Adam Fitzgibbon, trombone, senior, computer engineering.
- Hunter Foged, trumpet, sophomore, undeclared.
- Colm Gill, trombone, freshman, chemical engineering.
- Maura Gillan, color guard, senior, business, and textiles, merchandising and fashion design.
- Riley Good, clarinet, senior, psychology and music.
- Harrison Grasso, trombone, freshman, biological systems engineering.
- Ben Herbel, trumpet, junior, social science.
- Peter Holmberg, tuba, freshman, undeclared.
- Nate Ingracia, trombone, freshman, music.
- Ashley Joseph, baritone, junior, music education.
- Jack Kloecker, percussion, senior, music education.
- Jordan Knust, trumpet, sophomore, business administration.
- Tristin Korinek, baritone, freshman, architecture.
- McKinsey Leaf, color guard, junior, textiles, merchandising and fashion design (textile and apparel design).
- Alexandra Lee, tenor saxophone, junior, pre-nursing.
- Brittany Leschinsky, color guard, freshman, psychology.
- Eric Loos, alto saxophone, sophomore, biological sciences.
- Kristin Mapson, horn, junior, child, youth and family studies.
- Drue Marr, tenor saxophone, senior, psychology.
- Abbie Mattern, alto saxophone, sophomore, business administration.
- Elizabeth McIntosh, trombone, freshman, pre-architecture.
- Maya McIntosh, piccolo, sophomore, veterinary science.
- Nicole Munroe, trumpet, freshman, music.
- Rebecca Norton, baritone, sophomore, Spanish.
- Kelly Ooton, trombone, sophomore, pre-architecture.
- Jonah Payne, percussion, freshman, psychology and music.
- Ellie Pekas, trumpet, freshman, physics.
- Justin Richard, horn, sophomore, music education.
- Kaylee Riekenberg, piccolo, sophomore, political science.
- Jordan Rosenbohm, alto saxophone, senior, mechanical engineering.
- Judd Salem, trumpet, sophomore, civil engineering.
- Hanna Savidge, alto saxophone, junior, elementary education.
- Taylor Schrader, trumpet, freshman, computer science.
- Nicole Shively, horn, senior, music education.
- Nick Stanley, trumpet, junior, business administration.
- Spencer Stream, trumpet, sophomore, mechanical engineering.
- Elijah Theye, percussion, sophomore, music education.
- Eli Ullman, trombone, freshman, undeclared.
- Eric Ullman, trumpet, junior, mechanical engineering.
- Drew Vogel, alto saxophone, junior, broadcasting.
- Jack Wilke, baritone, freshman, undeclared.
- Amy Yanagida, piccolo, freshman, undeclared.
- Samuel Babe, tuba, freshman, music education.
- Tyler Butterfield, trumpet, sophomore, accounting.
- Colin Wood, trombone, sophomore, music education.
North Platte:
- Nathan McGahan, tuba, junior, music.
- Sydney McGahan, trombone, sophomore, music education.
- Elijah Elmshaeuser, trumpet, junior, mechanical engineering.
- Sarah Alexander, color guard, sophomore, undeclared.
- Paul Anderson, baritone, junior, special education (7-12).
- Andrew Barber, baritone, sophomore, music.
- Abbey Bessmer, trumpet, junior, elementary education and early childhood education.
- Simon Bessmer, alto saxophone, freshman, music.
- Natalie Bialas, piccolo, senior, music education.
- Emmalee Bielenberg, percussion, freshman, undeclared.
- Sam Brown, alto saxophone, freshman, chemistry.
- Paul Circo, trumpet, freshman, electrical engineering.
- Spencer Collins, trumpet, sophomore, computer engineering.
- Rob Cook, trombone, senior, biological sciences and music.
- Jacob Coughlin, drum major, sophomore, music education.
- Meghan Coughlin, drum major, senior, criminology and criminal justice.
- Joshua Creamer, trumpet, sophomore, geology.
- Mikaela Deptula, clarinet, sophomore, fisheries and wildlife.
- Joshua Dirks, tenor saxophone, freshman, social science.
- Elizabeth Drey, piccolo, junior, food science and technology.
- Evan Eilers, piccolo, senior, biochemistry, chemistry and mathematics.
- Andrew Firkins, baritone, junior, music education.
- Ian Ghanavati, percussion, freshman, mechanical engineering.
- Wyatt Gosnell, baritone, freshman, pre-architecture.
- Morgan Grabowski, percussion, freshman, veterinary medicine.
- Megan Grace, color guard, freshman, business administration.
- Colleen Hacker, piccolo, senior, mathematics.
- Brooke Harmon, color guard, sophomore, business administration.
- Nathaniel Iverson, trumpet, freshman, biological systems engineering.
- Brianna Juma, trumpet, freshman, nutrition and health sciences (nutrition and dietetics option).
- Cassie Kiihne, color guard, junior, animal science.
- Jessica Leever, percussion, sophomore, pre-elementary education.
- Trevor Lyons, percussion, freshman, undeclared.
- Tara Maulsby, horn, sophomore, undeclared.
- Dani Nelson, horn, junior, nutrition and health sciences (nutrition science option).
- Rachel Nielsen, clarinet, freshman, actuarial science.
- Jared Noetzel, percussion, sophomore, psychology.
- Nicholas Pavel, tuba, sophomore, music education.
- Joey Regan, alto saxophone, senior, business administration.
- Ryan Regan, alto saxophone, sophomore, mechanical engineering.
- Alexander Reilly, trumpet, freshman, accounting.
- Jaslyn Schweiss, color guard, junior, management.
- Grant Sernett, percussion, senior, civil engineering.
- Matthew Sernett, trombone, freshman, advertising and public relations.
- Elizabeth Shavlik, trumpet, sophomore, pre-health.
- Logan Skrabal, trombone, sophomore, advertising and public relations.
- Nicole Smith, color guard, junior, environmental studies.
- Alyssa Soppe, percussion, freshman, music education.
- Ben Stahr, trombone, senior, mechanical engineering.
- Jennifer Stephenson, trumpet, junior, elementary education.
- Meghan Suelter, trombone, sophomore, chemical engineering.
- Paul Umshler, percussion, junior, music.
- Jacque Velasco, color guard, freshman, speech-language pathology.
- Derek Vogel, trumpet, senior, computer science.
- Marie Wagner, clarinet, junior, civil engineering.
- Tyler Walters, trumpet, junior, management.
- Kyle Webber, baritone, freshman, advertising and public relations.
- Grace Patton, piccolo, senior, veterinary science.
- Josh Auman, trumpet, sophomore, psychology.
- Tristan Bentzinger, tuba, sophomore, pre-mathematics.
- Carly Brotherson, color guard, senior, architectural studies.
- Samantha Baldwin-Epstein, alto saxophone, senior, criminology and criminal justice.
- John Bowley, tuba, senior, fisheries and wildlife.
- Brady Caverzagie, trumpet, senior, biochemistry.
- Alissa Clarke, color guard, sophomore, biological sciences.
- Kelsey Conrad, trumpet, sophomore, English.
- Calvin Denne, tuba, freshman, music education.
- Megan Feldmann, color guard, junior, elementary education.
- Beth Forsyth, color guard, sophomore, pre-secondary English (7-12).
- Ryan Kimball, percussion, freshman, music education.
- Connor McFayden, horn, freshman, environmental studies.
- Shane Mueller, trumpet, junior, criminology and criminal justice.
- Kelsey Reeves, tuba, sophomore, biological systems engineering.
- Bradley Rohn, color guard, freshman, undeclared.
- Hannah Rothermund, color guard, senior, advertising and public relations.
- Michaela Smith, color guard, freshman, undeclared.
- Zowie Vincent, trumpet, freshman, undeclared.
- Lisa Ward, trombone, junior, forensic science.
- Bryson Anderson, trombone, junior, psychology.
- Macy Miller, clarinet, freshman, music education.
St. Paul:
- Dylan Spilinek, tenor saxophone, sophomore, theatre.
- William Semerad, tuba, sophomore, construction management.
- Marissa Yonts, clarinet, senior, psychology.
- Chase Nissen, horn, senior, biological sciences.
- Shawn Knowlton, tuba, freshman, computer science.
- Colton Talbert, tuba, sophomore, theatre.
- Lauryl McClintick, color guard, senior, education, Spanish and speech-language pathology.
- Laurel Preuit, color guard, junior, accounting.
- Sylvia Jager, clarinet, sophomore, pre-elementary education and early childhood education.
- Lizzy Sousek, piccolo, sophomore, child, youth and family studies.
- J.T. McLaughlin, baritone, senior, music education.
- Haley Nelson, color guard, sophomore, microbiology.
Highlands Ranch:
- Madeline Kelly, horn, sophomore, psychology.
- Kirk Martin, baritone, freshman, computer science.
- Emily Grybas, trumpet, junior, speech-language pathology.
Hawthorn Woods:
- Alex Heraty, horn, freshman, marketing.
- Will Brunner, trombone, freshman, mathematics.
- Megan Elbel, tuba, freshman, psychology.
- Jakob Henzi, baritone, freshman, music education.
Council Bluffs:
- Claire Boes, tenor saxophone, sophomore, music education.
Le Mars:
- Dominic Loutsch, percussion, sophomore, music education.
- Caelan Debban, trumpet, freshman, broadcasting.
- Courtney Schuster, clarinet, sophomore, psychology.
Sioux City:
- Emma Baller, color guard, junior, educational psychology.
- Abigail Oetken, trumpet, freshman, undeclared.
- Alex Crowley, trombone, junior, music education.
- Cameron Stussie, trombone, freshman, music education.
- Grayson McGregor, clarinet, freshman, music.
- Andrew Wray, percussion, freshman, music education.
Overland Park:
- Mary Morrison, piccolo, junior, nutrition and health sciences (nutrition and dietetics option).
- Jonas Price, trombone, freshman, pre-health.
- Tyler Bienhoff, baritone, senior, mathematics.
- Kristy Gentry, trumpet, senior, English language arts.
- Michael Wadsworth, tuba, sophomore, music education.
- William Fleener, tuba, junior, computer engineering.
Maple Grove:
- Lindi Bechel, piccolo, junior, undeclared.
- Sara Duke, percussion, senior, English.
- Samir Kashyap, percussion, freshman, software engineering.
Prior Lake:
- Braden Wojahn, alto saxophone, sophomore, insect science.
West St. Paul:
- Crisanto Dubuc, trombone, senior, history.
Kansas City:
- Josephine Choi, trombone, junior, biological sciences.
- Peter Coyne, alto saxophone, sophomore, political science.
- Sydney Paulak, alto saxophone, junior, geography.
- Samuel Moore, percussion, sophomore, music education.
Platte City:
- Kate Boren, trumpet, freshman, landscape architecture.
- David Wilson, trumpet, senior, chemistry and electrical engineering.
- Miranda Finn, piccolo, junior, art.
- Drew Arnold, percussion, senior, music.
- Hunter Crittenden, alto saxophone, sophomore, chemical engineering.
Sinking Spring:
- Nolan O’Keefe, tenor saxophone, freshman, mechanical engineering.
- Camille Hoover, baritone, junior, meteorology-climatology.
- Kyle Anderson, trumpet, senior, chemistry.
- Dan Hartung, percussion, senior, music education.
- Ian Whillock, percussion, junior, music.
- Olivia Boldt, percussion, freshman, music.
Rapid City:
- Daniel Iverson, trombone, junior, music.
Sioux Falls:
- Isaiah Lamb, percussion, senior, psychology.
- Benjamin Merritt, trumpet, sophomore, computer science.
- Sydney Park, clarinet, junior, marketing.
- Joseph Levey, trumpet, freshman, pre-health.
- Kyle Hoppner, tuba, senior, chemical engineering.
Cedar Park:
- Winter Daniel, alto saxophone, senior, political science.
Flower Mound:
- Paige DeDecker, percussion, senior, music.
- Chris Goulet, percussion, sophomore, music education.
- Andrew Warner, percussion, freshman, music education.
- Samuel Thomas, clarinet, freshman, international business.
- Andrew Lehman, trombone, senior, management.
North Richland Hills:
- John Duke, percussion, junior, mathematics and music.
- Colton Reddoch, percussion, freshman, music education.
- Ty Martin, trombone, sophomore, music.
- Meaghan Pecha, trumpet, junior, biological systems engineering.
- David Rowell, trumpet, sophomore, chemistry.
- Sophia Kallas, horn, sophomore, forensic science.
- Hannah Kollmann, twirler, junior, nutrition and health sciences (nutrition, exercise and health science option).