Annual diversity leadership symposia organized by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will draw more than 1,750 high school students to campus in November.
The series launches Nov. 8 as more than 1,000 are registered for the Latino Leadership Symposium. Other areas of focus in the series include symposia exploring issues in the black and Native communities on Nov. 16 and Nov. 30, respectively.
“Part of the purpose of these symposia, of course, is to recruit students to the university,” said Amber Williams, director of admissions and associate dean for enrollment management. “But the main purpose is to bring together student leaders from across Nebraska to discuss issues of diversity.
“While they are here, these students have the opportunity to engage with our faculty and staff, tapping into our expertise on diversity here at Nebraska. They also learn about tools that can help reduce some of the challenges these students and families might be experiencing in their communities.”
The theme for the 2016 symposia is “Free Yourself: Breaking the Shackles of Oppression.” Students who attend are nominated by a community member. Sessions are designed to address community-related issues and help students with creating a plan of action to address the issues.
Symposia participants tour campus facilities, eat in a residence hall dining facility and meet with university representatives, including current students. High-school students who qualify are also considered for the Nebraska Emerging Leaders scholarship, which is worth $2,000 and renewable for four academic years.
The symposia series started in 2007 with the first Black Leadership Symposium, which drew about 140 students. The series expanded to include Latino and Native students in 2008. And, in March, the university added the I’m First Symposium – designed for students who are the first member of their family to attend college – to the lineup. More than 500 attended the initial symposium, with the second event scheduled for March 29, 2017.
“Watching these symposia grow from 140 students on campus for the first Black Leadership Symposium in 2007 to more than 1,000 at the Latino symposium last year has been amazing,” Williams said. “This series is an investment in the youth of Nebraska that is generating tremendous growth and interest from students and community leaders statewide.”
Keynote speakers for the three symposia in November are:
Latino Leadership Symposium — Juan Cangas, founder of the Thrive Leadership Club and a youth leadership development authority.
Black Leadership Symposium — Deadric Williams, assistant professor of sociology and a Nebraska graduate.
Native Leadership Symposium — Vernon Miller, chairman of the Omaha Tribal Council and a member of the tribe’s Thunder Clan.
Complete details on the next I’m First Symposium will be announced.
Coupled with other student recruitment activities, such as Red Letter and College Access days, more than 4,000 prospective students will be on campus in November. Chancellor Ronnie Green discussed the symposia and other recruitment events in a Nov. 7 message to faculty and staff.
For more information on student recruitment efforts, click here.