Two films — one on the life and work of Robert Frank, the other a story about a town being reborn after a man’s resurrection — open Oct. 14 at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center.
In the documentary “Don’t Blink — Robert Frank,” filmmaker Laura Israel explores the life and work of her friend Robert Frank. A famed American photographer and documentary filmmaker, Frank is author of “The Americans,” a 1958 book that is among the most influential photography publications of the 20th century.
Frank also expanded his work to include film and video, experimenting by using manipulated photos and photomontages. His films include cult classics “Pull My Daisy” and “Candy Mountain.”
“Don’t Blink — Robert Frank” is not rated and shows at the Ross through Oct. 20.
Also opening Oct. 14 is director Julio Quintana’s “The Vessel.”
Music, dancing, fireworks and childbirth are among the things that vanished from a small fishing village after a massive tidal wave crushed the local elementary school and washed 46 children out to sea. Father Douglas Wood (played by Martin Sheen) urges the grief-stricken parents to have more children, but they refuse and are locked in a state of perpetual mourning.
Ten years later, a local young man named Leo slips off the pier and drowns. He mysteriously awakens three hours later and — as if compelled by some inner force — Leo starts to build a crude structure out of the elementary school rubble.
Leo’s resurrection and project generate a glimmer of hope that leads to a storm of confusion and passion that will change the town forever.
“The Vessel”, which is rated PG-13 for some partial nudity/sensuality and thematic elements, shows at the Ross through Oct. 20.
For more information on films at the Ross, click here or call 402-472-5353.