Aaron Duncan, UNL’s director of speech and debate, has earned the recognition of his peers for his accomplishments and service as a forensics coach.
Duncan received the American Forensics Association District IV Larry Schnoor award for Outstanding Coaching and Service. The award was established in 1999 to honor the work of Schnoor, president of the American Forensics Association. The winner is selected through voting by the district’s member schools.
The district is made up of more than 30 colleges and universities in Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, South Dakota and North Dakota.
“To be selected for such an award by one’s peers is especially meaningful,” Duncan said. “There are a lot of great coaches in the Midwest region and I am proud to represent them.”
Duncan was notified he had received the award last week and he will be recognized officially at the AFA national tournament April 5-7 at Arizona State University.
Duncan has been coaching speech and debate at UNL since 2005. Under his leadership, the team has continued its run of placing in the top 20 nationally for the last 16 years, has been the state champion seven times, has won three Big Ten titles and placed seventh in the nation in 2013. The team is preparing for national competition and has qualified 70 events for the tournament. Duncan said the department’s support has been essential to the success of the team.
“I am fortunate to work with amazing students, great graduate assistants, and to be supported by a strong department,” he said. “I see this award as a testament to the team and the legacy that we have built in speech and debate at UNL.”