The Office of Undergraduate Research is seeking faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and advanced graduate students from any discipline to evaluate Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences applications.
UCARE applications are research project proposals from undergraduate students in science, humanities, business, and the arts at Nebraska.
Participants will be assigned 30 applications in their field of expertise and provided with review training materials to prepare for evaluation. Review will take place from Jan. 28 to Feb. 15 for summer applications and March 18 to April 5 for 2019-2020 academic year applications.
Proposals are posted in an online evaluation system. Participants will sign in to read and evaluate proposals at a time most convenient for them.
Arts, humanities and business readers are most needed for evaluation. To register, visit the undergraduate research website.
For more information, contact Justina Clark, director of undergraduate research, at jclark17@unl.edu.