Nebraska faculty who teach introductory courses in science, technology, engineering and mathematics can be a part of a new Faculty Learning Community.
The group is focused on enhancing the success of students transitioning from high school to college, with a particular interest on first-generation students. This opportunity, which is funded by the National Science Foundation, is to be offered throughout the 2018-19 academic year.
The objectives of the learning communities are to: provide opportunities for participants to examine data about the differences in instructional transitions from high school to college; discuss why students are struggling in their courses and how changes in instructional practices may lower achievement gaps for first-generation students, and; support opportunities for participants to try new instructional practices and receive feedback.
Space is limited to eight participants. Each will receive $500.
The Faculty Learning Community will meet every other week for 90 minutes at a time determined by participants’ availability.
Registration, available online, closes May 11.
For more information, contact Brian Couch at bcouch2@unl.edu or Marilyne Stains at mstains2@unl.edu.