Learn the new video editing features of Apple Final Cut Pro X in a seminar at 1 p.m. Oct.7 in the Gaughan Multicultural Center. Vin Capone from Apple Education, will demonstrate the newly designed editing interface and the improvements made to this latest release.
Following this seminar, Michael Reinmiller, from the College of Fine and Performing Arts, will be holding a hands-on class for faculty and staff who are interested in upgrading from Final Cut Pro 7 to X.
Attendees are encouraged to bring their own media to edit during the class, which will be held on Oct. 15 and 17. Visit http://training.unl.edu to enroll.
Join the UNL Final Cut Pro user community by subscribing to finalcutproxusers@listserv.unl.edu.
Add this event to your calendar: http://events.unl.edu/its/2014/10/07/93513/.