Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, who serves Nebraska’s 1st District in the U. S. House of Representatives, is one of four featured speakers in this year’s “Seeking a Just World Order: The Quest for Peace and Prosperity” symposium. The symposium is open to the public and will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Oct. 27 at the Nebraska East Union.
After the end of World War II, society progressed, witnessing a decrease in wars between major powers, more tolerance for minorities and women’s rights, and reductions in poverty, hunger, and infant mortality. The symposium will address remaining issues of world peace and prosperity, including terrorism, the resurgence of narrow nationalism, and the political and economic instability that has led to an unprecedented number of refugees.
The symposium’s featured speakers will discuss topics such as economic alliances and trade organizations, military alliances, and treaties that limit nuclear proliferation. Speakers include:
- David Forsythe, professor emeritus, Political Science
- John Anderson, professor, Economics
- Rupal Mehta, assistant professor, Political Science
- Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, U. S. House of Representatives, Nebraska 1st District
The fee for attending the event is $20, which includes lunch. The deadline for registration is Oct. 19. To register, call the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute office at 402-472-6265 or visit https://olli.unl.edu/.