Editor's Note — This is part of a Women’s History Month series featuring women who make a positive impact on the campus community through their work as office/service employees. The Women of Service series is organized by the Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Women. Stories will run in Nebraska Today through March 30.
Through her positive attitude and an ability to take on any task, Nebraska’s Sarah Fredregill helps maintain financial order for Huskers in the Department of Chemistry.

A finance coordinator, Fredregill works directly with students, faculty and staff to ensure that transactions are completed in a timely and accurate manner, following all applicable guidelines and regulations.
“Sarah brings a type of positivity to her position that is like a breath of fresh air,” said Dodie Eveleth, business manager with the BPAC Business Center. “During these very stressful times, it is always helpful to have positive people on your team.”
Fredregill has worked for seven years on campus, including service in chemistry and biological sciences units — both a part of the College of Arts and Sciences. She earned an Applause award from the college in 2018 for her work as an office associate. The honor noted Fredregill’s cheerful attitude, willingness to help others, and efficiency in her work.
“Every day, Sarah takes initiative and strives to assist the students, faculty and staff that she works with in as positive a manner as possible,” Eveleth said. “It definitely makes it easier to work with her on items that are not necessarily in her day to day job tasks. She just takes it in stride and works to help ensure that everything gets done.”
The Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Women reached out to get to know Fredregill and learn more about her dedication to students, faculty and staff at Nebraska U. Her interview follows.
Tell us a little about yourself.
I was born and raised in Nebraska. I’ve been married to my amazing husband, Aaron, for 11 years. We have a Corgi named Teyla, and I’m a Disney fanatic.

What do you look forward to when you come to work?
I love my coworkers. They make the day go by faster and are always there for me when I'm having a bad day.
What is your favorite memory at UNL?
One of my favorites would be any time there is something going on in the stadium. Like the Garth Brooks concert, or when people came to play Pokemon. The building I work in is right across the street, so my coworkers and I are able to watch everything going on.
Other favorite memories would be just sitting around talking with my coworkers when we need a break.
What is your life like outside of work?
My life outside of work is pretty boring. LOL! My husband and I are slowly updating our house. When we aren't working on that, I either read or watch TV when I get home. On the weekends I get together with my extended family. We are very close, so we try to get together every weekend.
What is something most people don’t know about you?
Most people don't know that I like to Jazzercise. I hurt my foot a couple years back and sadly had to stop for a while. But I'm getting back into it again now that I'm better and I love it.