Love Library has gone to the dogs to help ease UNL students’ midterm stress.
In a first-time program for the University Libraries, Love is hosting the Healing Hearts Therapy Dogs through Oct. 16. The canines are certified therapy dogs that remain welcoming and calm around large groups of people.
“These are some of the most gentle dogs you will ever meet,” said Gary Royal, a Healing Hearts volunteer who brought his therapy/service dog Boo to the library on Oct. 15. “Interacting with these dogs really has a calming effect on people.”
That was the case for Amanda Stocking, a sophomore from California.
“I walked into the library and, when I heard ‘dogs,’ I had to stop and see them,” Stocking said. “I miss my dogs so much. This was a nice breather — a great way to relieve the stress of college life.”
Som Pulumati, a sophomore actuarial science major from India, agreed.
“I love dogs and to be able to take a minute away from my studies to see them here in the library is amazing,” Pulumati said. “This is a great idea.”
Molly Bass, a project associate with the University Libraries, said more than 400 students visited with the dogs during the Oct. 14 and 15 sessions.
The last session with the therapy dogs is 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 16 in 111 Love Library. The visit — which will feature Tammy Hanel and Barley, a Goldendoodle, and Tina Haines and Tank, a French bulldog — are free and open to students, faculty and staff.
“This is something new we are trying,” Bass said. “It is just one of the ways we are working to make the University Libraries more open and inviting to students.”
Love Library is also offering midterm week snacks in the library. The snack bar is open in the Love Library South Talk Zone at 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Oct. 15-16.
For more information on programs at the University Libraries, go to http://unllibraries.blogspot.com.