From students and faculty to staff and alumni, Husker Nation is rallying behind the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s new “In Our Grit, Our Glory” brand.
Launched to standing-room-only crowds and student celebrations Aug. 30-31, the brand connects Nebraska’s historic strengths in athletics, classrooms and research labs.
“This (brand) allows us to tell the story of who we are and who we aspire to be,” said Chancellor Ronnie Green at the Aug. 31 launch on East Campus. “It is authentic and resonates with who we are as a university.”
Preliminary data gathered from Twitter and Instagram showed that the #InOurGritOurGlory hashtag was featured in more than 1,100 posts and accounted for more than 2.4 million impressions.
Many posts featured selfies taken with grit and glory signage at the campus celebrations. Others, highlighted the events — including crowd shots by Nick Pace, professor and chair of educational administration, and a handwritten banner message by Brett Dettmer, a senior broadcasting major.
Packed house and plaza @UNLincoln Branding Launch! @RonnieDGreen @DondePlowman @TheMikeBoehm #InOurGritOurGlory #GBR pic.twitter.com/bDLCP6DsTD
— Nick Pace (@NJPace40) August 30, 2018
A post shared by Brett Dettmer (@suggahhd) on Aug 30, 2018 at 10:55am PDT
One Nebraska couple celebrated their new grit/glory T-shirts — which were giveaways at the campus celebrations — with the birth of a new Husker.
#InOurGritOurGlory #welcomeaboardnewesthusker #GBR pic.twitter.com/ugGJsIgVSw
— Billy (@Billy34180559) August 30, 2018
Student social media posts featured their varied activities — including work overseas by Nebraska’s Engineers Without Borders chapter, the dedication of student government leaders and scenes from the celebrations.
Engineers Without Borders - University of Nebraska: We are definitely in our #Grit in Madagascar and Zambia! #InOurGritOurGlory #UNL pic.twitter.com/oxeUWlJVuJ
— EWB-NU (@EWB_NU) August 31, 2018
Here at ASUN, we are excited to embrace GRIT in all we work to achieve for the UNL student body this school year. #InOurGritOurGlory #UNL pic.twitter.com/MDiwdbUrI6
— ASUN Nebraska (@ASUN_UNL) August 31, 2018
Love the new branding unveil for @unlincoln #inourgritourglory
A post shared by Casey Venema (@caseyvenema) on Aug 31, 2018 at 10:03am PDT
Other Huskers celebrated by showing their pursuit of glory by working to earn a Nebraska degree or discussing their pride in the university.
“Blessed to be a part of something bigger than myself,” tweeted Robyn Burnison, a senior broadcasting major. “My grit: Grinding out my last semester. My glory: A Big Ten degree!”
Free tshirts make her dance! Gotta love student rallies at @UNLincoln! Blessed to be a part of something bigger than myself! My GRIT: Grinding out my last semester! My GLORY: A Big 10 degree! #InOurGritOurGlory #GBR #UNL #Nebraska @Unl_CoJMC @bigten pic.twitter.com/zR7cVp8NwR
— Robyn ➳ (@robynburnison) August 30, 2018
My grit is going towards getting my medical degree. My glory will be helping others! #InOurGritOurGlory
— gabrielaaa(@gabialvarado00) August 30, 2018
Proud to be a husker! #InOurGritOurGlory pic.twitter.com/2gl5E3QvTF
— Elizabeth Snyder (@emariesnyder3) August 31, 2018
Huuuuge fans of the @UNLincoln rebrand #InOurGritOurGlory pic.twitter.com/21ct4vguJt
— Theta Xi (@ThetaXiNebraska) August 30, 2018
Faculty and staff also showcased their appreciation for the new branding campaign. Amy Struthers, interim dean of the College of Journalism and Mass Communication, lauded the grit/glory concept and leadership shown in developing the brand. While, Outdoor Adventures Center staff connected the messaging with their programming.
I’m thrilled to see the result of the careful market research that led to a great strategy that translated into a killer concept! Incredible leadership in brand development! #InOurGritOurGlory pic.twitter.com/f1yUK7dbvs
— Amy Struthers (@CoJMCDeanAmy) August 30, 2018
A post shared by UNL Outdoor Adventures (@unl_oa) on Aug 30, 2018 at 10:37am PDT
The celebrations were also a way for staff, including Karen Freimund Wills, Ranelle Maltas and Nic Colgrove, to show their love for working at Nebraska.
It was wonderful to finally meet @DondePlowman and share my #appendixcancer story and 20 years at @unlincoln during the brand reveal student rally for #InOurGritOurGlory!!! #UNL #ShowUpUNL #involvedunl pic.twitter.com/KLjKZw66vw
— Karen Freimund Wills (@kfwills) August 30, 2018
My GLORY it's to work for my alma mater! #Glory #InOurGritOurGlory #UNL
A post shared by Ranelle Maltas (@ellenar_ranelle) on Aug 30, 2018 at 10:10am PDT
#InOurGritOurGlory -Work hard… celebrate our accomplishments… and get back to work. I see this in faculty, staff, students & athletes. Project completed / grant awarded / article published / semester completed / finish with a W. I see this all over #UNL. #GBR Let's get to work. pic.twitter.com/YZYVwgvtaT
— Nic Colgrove (@CloudedNic) August 31, 2018
And, of course, the grit and glory of Husker Nation soared as the Nebraska football prepared to kick-off the Scott Frost era on Sept. 1. Even in a three-plus hour rain delay, Huskers, including the student section, kept Memorial Stadium rocking through rain squalls.
Props to the student section, still rocking it in the rain. #InOurGritOurGlory #Huskers #GBR pic.twitter.com/tednFptd0g
— Jake Messersmith (@jmessersmith24) September 2, 2018
Learn more about Nebraska's new "In Our Grit, Our Glory" brand.