Beginning Jan. 1, the University of Nebraska’s standard mileage rate for the use of a personal car will be 29 cents per mile, an increase of 4 cents from the 2019 rate.
The standard mileage rate is based on an annual study of the fixed and variable costs of operating a university fleet automobile. The 2020 rate was calculated as shown below:
A) Standard sedan rental with tax (Enterprise)…………….$39.60
B) Miles per gallon for vehicle class……………………………………..29
C) Average miles driven (across NU system)……………………..201
D) Gallons consumed (C / B)…………………………………………….6.931
E) Price per gallon (AAA as of Dec. 1, 2019)……………………..$2.57
F) Cost of fuel (D x E)………………………………………………………$17.81
G) Cost per day (A + F)…………………………………………………….$57.41
Calculated personal mileage rate (G / C)……………………. $ .29
For more information, contact NU’s Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance at vpbf@nebraska.edu or 402-472-2191.