Husker alumna, seismologist and “Frozen” fan Celeste Labedz recently had a message for those still harboring the notion that “girly things and science-y things are mutually exclusive.”
Let it go.
Labedz, a 2016 Nebraska graduate in physics and geology, drew more than 10,000 likes and coverage from BBC News for a mid-July tweet that shows her traversing an Alaskan glacier while sporting an Elsa-inspired cape.
I firmly believe that kids should NOT be taught that girly things & science-y things are mutually exclusive. Therefore, I packed a cape with my field work gear just to show what Glaciologist Princess Elsa would look like! #SciencePrincess #TheColdNeverBotheredMeAnyway pic.twitter.com/Tr5si9tLag
— Celeste Labedz (@celestelabedz) July 17, 2019
The Nebraska native credited her parents and the University of Nebraska State Museum, where her father Thomas works as a collections manager, for inspiring her early interest in science.
“I basically grew up in a natural history museum,” Labedz told the BBC.
Labedz also demonstrated her science outreach chops and love of geology in May, when she received raves and media coverage for a thread featuring side-by-side comparisons between celebrities at MET Gala 2019 and the minerals they resembled.
THREAD: #MetGala2019 looks as minerals.
Lucy Boynton - elbaite pic.twitter.com/Y2g5Z6N6sQ— Celeste Labedz (@celestelabedz) May 7, 2019
Now a doctoral student at the California Institute of Technology, Labedz is studying what seismic data from glaciers can tell researchers about the water flowing beneath the massive bodies of ice.
Check out her Twitter account @celestelabedz.
I "fixed" this box of cream cheese in honor of my home state. #GoBigRed pic.twitter.com/yUgoD7o5nS
— Celeste Labedz (@celestelabedz) July 15, 2019