Beginning May 20, @huskers.unl.edu is the official email address for University of Nebraska–Lincoln students.
The change will help Nebraska students never miss important communications from the university and is connected to students’ MyRED and Canvas accounts. Additionally, students will use it to access university library services and software — like Adobe Creative Cloud, Matlab and Office 365.
All students should have received instructions on how to set up and use the new address. Students should check their account daily to avoid missing time-critical messages from the university, especially from the offices of Scholarships and Financial Aid, University Registrar, Admissions, and Student Accounts.
Faculty and staff are encouraged to use this email, along with Canvas messaging, to communicate with students. Both methods are a secure way to send sensitive information. They also add an extra layer of liability protection with regard to FERPA and other privacy issues.
Learn more about the email change.
In moving to a university-issued email, the university joins Big Ten peer institutions, other public universities and University of Nebraska campuses in having a secure method in place to protect student and university data from phishing, malware, and cyberattacks.