The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Employee Assistance Program will offer a relationship check-up class to faculty and staff.
The free offering, “Learn the Blueprint for a Sound Relationship House,” is a two-hour informational session is designed as a lighthearted overview of essential components for relationship vitality. Participants will have an opportunity to complete a brief, confidential questionnaire to identify areas of strength, challenge and target areas where corrective work is advised.
The session, which is based on the couples research of John and Julie Gottman, will take place 3 to 5 p.m. March 9 in the Nebraska Union’s Gaughan Center. Participants are welcome but not required to attend with their partner.
The course will be led by Valerie Williams, a counselor and trainer with the Employee Assistance Program. Williams is a certified Seven Principles educator and has completed the first two training levels of Gottman Method Couples Therapy.
For questions and to register, contact the Employee Assistance Program at 402-472-3107 or eap@unl.edu.