Craig Chandler | University Communications
Craig Chandler | University Communications
More than 440 graduate and undergraduate students presented research to the campus community April 15 during the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s 2019 Spring Research Fair in the Nebraska Union.
To recognize students’ creative and scholarly achievements and accomplishments, prizes were awarded to top posters and exhibits.
Graduate winners receive a $400 travel grant to present their research at a regional or national conference. Undergraduate winners receive a $250 award sponsored by their college. Winners are listed below by participating college.
Graduate awards
- Fitsum Abebe, doctoral student, teaching, learning, and teacher education, “Examining the Dimensions of Preservice Teachers’ TPACK for K-6 Math Content Area”
- Oluwafisayo Adeniyan, masters student, survey research and methodology, “Profiling Schools in Nebraska using Census and School Level Attributes: A Model-Based Clustering Approach”
- Brigette Corder, doctoral student, biological sciences, “Efficacy of Novel Universal Influenza Vaccine Immunogens”
- Hayden Cudaback and Craig Findley, master’s students, architecture, “Decorum of Domesticity”
- Thilini Ekanayaka, doctoral student, physics and astronomy, “Effects of Mn Doping on ZnS and CdS Quantum Dot Inks”
- Kyle Hull, doctoral student, political science, “Does My Wheelchair Slow Me Down? Attitudes Towards Disabled Political Candidates”
- Hannah Kerby and Rachel Schumacher, doctoral students, educational psychology, “Context Matters: Neighborhood Characteristics and Preschool Children’s Vocabulary and Achievement”
- Fei San Lee, doctoral student, biological systems engineering, “Neuro-inhibitory Microparticles For Drug Delivery: A Minimally Invasive Treatment For Low Back Pain”
- Amir Monemianesfahani, doctoral student, mechanical engineering, “A Single Cell Pair Mechanical Interrogation Platform to Study Cell-Cell Adhesion Mechanics”
- Hannah Schafers, professional student, architecture, “The Cloud House”
- Alexandre Tonon Rosa, doctoral student, agronomy and horticulture, “Impact of Cover Crop Species Selection on Rainfed Corn Productivity in Semi-Arid Cropping Systems”
- Ashley Woolfork, doctoral student, chemistry, “Rapid Screening of Drug-Protein Interactions by High Performance Affinity Chromatography”
Undergraduate awards
Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
- Earl Agpawa, sophomore, integrated science, “How Does Wind Exposure Affect Web Geometries?” under Eileen Hebets
- Blanche Butera, senior, integrated science, “Baseline studies of biotic diversity in Rwandan soils of Volcanoes National Park” under Thomas Powers
- Rodger Farr, senior, agronomy, “The Effects of Glyphosate, Glufosinate, and Dicamba Tank-Mixtures” under Greg Kruger
- Nghi Nguyen, senior, biochemistry, “The role of lncRNA CRNDE in obesity-associated endothelial dysfunction” under Xinghui Sun
- Ashlyn Engelhard, junior, interior design; Annie Mimick, sophomore, interior design; and Savannah Scoville, senior, interior design, “Breaking Down the Classroom Walls, Building Up Study Spaces” under Miyoung Hong
Arts and Sciences
- Simone Droge, senior, history and English, “Encoding Prose: The Complete Letters of Willa Cather” under Andrew Jewell
- Aaron Halvorsen, senior, psychology and biological sciences, “Changes in Hemodynamic Responses to Faces, Scenes, and Objects in a Visual Statistical Learning Task: an fMRI Analysis” under Matthew Johnson
- Sonoor Majid, senior, biochemistry and chemistry, “Evaluation of n-3 fatty acid status of pregnant women in Zambia with relation to HIV infection” under Concetta DiRusso
- Olivia Miller, senior, biological sciences, history, and classics and religious Studies, “Determining How Temperature Shapes Metabolic Enzyme Performance in the New Zealand Mudsnail” under Kristi Montooth
- Sarah Tjards, senior, biochemistry, “The Effects of Antibiotics on the Microbiota Through a Cross-Generational Study of D. magna” under Clay Cressler
- Joshua Warren, senior, psychology and English, “The ZBox Illusion: Examining the Vulnerability of Our Perception” under Michael Dodd
- Kalana Jayanetti, senior, actuarial science, “Unemployment Biases in Worklife Expectancy” under David Rosenbaum
- Timothy Paschal, senior, finance and economics, “Statistical Matching for Benchmarking Analysis” under Mitch Herian
Education and Human Sciences
- Nick Bohannon, senior, nutrition and health sciences and gerontology, “Test-Retest Reliability of Static and Counter-Movement Power Push-Ups in Young Male Athletes” under Joel Cramer
- Alexander Cristobal, senior, nutrition and health sciences, “To Eat Or Not To Eat, That Is The Question: Does Compensatory Food Intake Match the Caloric Expenditure of an Exercise Bout?” under Karsten Koehler
- Carly Selleck, senior, nutrition and health sciences, “Nicotine Interoceptive Stimulus Effects Found in Rats Discriminating Between Nicotine and Bupropion” under Rick Bevins
- Yiling Zhang, senior, child, youth and family Studies, “Impact of Natural Environments on Symptom Expression in Children with Autism” under Julia Torquati
- Lindsay Barnum, senior, mechanical engineering, “3-D Printed Composite Gel-Filled Microneedles” under Ali Tamayol
- Iakov Golman, senior, mechanical engineering, “Properties of Electrospun Composite Nanofibers” under Yuris Dzenis
- Evan Hymanson, senior, mechanical engineering, “Ablative and Confining Layers in Laser Peening for Hybrid Additive Manufacturing” under Michael Sealy
- Murtaza Nalwala, senior, civil engineering, “Testing and Modelling of Polymeric Materials for Resilient Infrastructures” under Yong Rak Kim
- Juliana Rodriguez, senior, biological systems engineering, “Surface Interaction of Wild Type and Antibiotic Resistant E. coli with Aliphatic and Aromatic Silanes” under Rajib Saha
Fine and Performing Arts
- Sofia Fernandez, junior, art, “Art: Painting, Hands-on Studio Artist” under Sandra Williams
- Gayle Rocz, senior, dance, “Encoding Prose: The Complete Letters of Willa Cather” under Andrew Jewell