Interested in shapeshifting, invisibility and other science-fiction tropes? As cutting-edge physics research is reinventing matter itself, phenomena like these are becoming increasingly possible. From metamaterials to claytronics to synthetic biology, this is not your mama’s matter – unless, of course, your mama is a condensed-matter physicist.
At the first SciPop talk of the spring, Jocelyn Bosley, education/outreach coordinator for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Materials Research Science and Engineering Center and curator of the new web resource Funsize Physics, will discuss entry into a new era of “programmable matter.”
Bosley will present “Brave New Matter for a Brave New World: Shapeshifting and Invisibility” at 7 p.m. Feb. 3 in the Adele Hall Learning Commons in Love Library North, 13th and R streets. Popcorn will be served. The talk is free and open to the public.
The SciPop Talks! series combines science and popular culture, and the spring series will mark the third year of the popular talks. The UNL Libraries provide an online list of books and other resources for every talk, which can be found at http://unl.libguides.com/scipoptalks.
The SciPop Talks! series builds on the science cafe model and is co-organized and sponsored by the UNL Chemistry Department, Doane College and the UNL University Libraries. Speakers give interactive 30-minute talks and then take questions. All talks are open to the public.