A fall semester lecture series featuring experts in the criminal justice field closes out with a noon, Dec. 7 presentation by Les Seiler, Nebraska state senator.
Organized by the University of Nebraska’s School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, the “State of the Agency” lecture series features lunch-hour talks in the Nebraska Union Auditorium.
“For the last few years in this series, we’ve brought in professors to talk about criminal justice issues,” said Chris Eskridge, professor of criminology and criminal justice. “We’re taking a different slant and shifting to personnel who actually work within criminal justice agencies.
“The talks are intended to explore what is going on within the agencies, the challenges and good things they see going on, and what the university community can do to assist.”
Seiler is the senator for Nebraska’s 33rd District and chair of the Nebraska Senate Judiciary Committee.
Other talks in the series featured Mike Heavican, chief justice of the Nebraska Supreme Court, and Jeff Bliemeister, chief of police for the Lincoln Police Department.
Additional lectures in the series are planned for the spring semester and will be announced.
“State of the Agency” talks are free and open to the public. A reception follows each presentation.