The University of Nebraska College of Law plans an expansion of its degree offerings.
This spring the Space, Cyber and Telecommunications Law program received approval to launch three executive certificate programs to build upon its successful LL.M. and J.S.D. degrees in space, cyber and telecommunications law.
The executive certificates in space, cyber and telecommunications law are designed for practicing attorneys interested in specializing and expanding their expertise in one of these emerging areas. The eight-credit-hour, two-year program is designed to allow certificate students to take only the courses that are pertinent to their direct interests and needs.
Students select one of three certificate tracks: space law, cyber and cyber security law or cyber and telecommunications law. Certificates are only open to those who already have a law degree or a foreign law degree. Additionally, there is a strong preference for applicants to have a minimum of three years prior legal experience.
“These industries are steadily growing,” said Elsbeth Magilton, executive director of UNL’s Space, Cyber and Telecommunications Law program. “Many established attorneys who never foresaw practicing in these areas while in law school are finding themselves responsible for understanding the changing laws.
“This program is designed to give busy, practicing attorneys a fast track to really focus in on the precise material they need.”
Space law is the study of the laws and regulations that impact most any activity taking place at an altitude of about 62 miles or higher, this encompasses all national and international law governing activities in outer space.
Cyber law is the study of the relationship of technological and electronic elements, including computers, software, hardware and information systems to the law. Cyber law encompasses commercial industries and private company data, as well as a vast number of military operations. Telecommunications law covers every electronic communication and all broadcasting across the United States.
Students interested in the executive certificate, LL.M. or J.S.D. programs can contact Magilton at 402-472-1662 or elsbeth.magilton@unl.edu.