The University of Nebraska–Lincoln will participate in a statewide tornado drill conducted by the National Weather Service at 11 a.m. March 24.
As long as no actual severe weather is occurring or expected, a simulated tornado drill will be simulated at approximately 11 a.m. Outdoor sirens — including those near and on the University of Nebraska–Lincoln campuses — will sound.
The drill will not be accompanies by a traditional test tornado watch and tornado warning. Rather, the drill will be “activated” by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association’s weather radio weekly test and on National Weather Service social media platforms. The University Police Department will issue a “test” message for the drill via UNL Alert. The message will say, “UNL Alert: This is a drill. Statewide Tornado Warning drill. (If this were an actual warning, you would move to a lower level interior room). This is a drill.”
Students, instructors and staff may also see or hear tornado drill alerts on social media platforms (Twitter and Facebook), campus digital signage, Alertus desktop pop-ups, indoor amplified voice systems, and university websites.
Nebraska students, faculty and staff are asked to participate and familiarize themselves with the locations of designated shelters and with tornado warning procedures.
Mark Robertson, emergency management director for the University Police Department, said the drill is necessary to test campus emergency communications systems and procedures.
The drill is part of Severe Weather Awareness Week.
Information about tornado procedures and related policies are available online. Register for UNL Alert here.