Student Voice is a new Nebraska Today feature that poses a question to random students on campus. As the fall 2016 semester was coming to a close, Hannah Pachunka, a Nebraska Today intern, asked fellow students to look ahead to spring courses and tell her about the class they are looking forward to taking and why.
Which class are you looking forward to the most in the spring semester and why?
“Introduction to Statistics because, it’s a class I’ve taken in the past and I’m excited to learn more about it at the college level.”
– Molly DeRoin, freshman, undeclared
“Dance Kinesiology and Injury Prevention because I want to teach dance. The class teaches you how to safely maneuver your body while dancing.”
– Erin McMaster, junior, dance
“I’m looking forward to getting to study abroad in Spain next semester. It’s going to be a unique experience and I get to take 12 credit hours that will transfer back for my Spanish major.”
– Holly Schumacher, junior, advertising/public relations and Spanish
“Historical Geology and Introduction to Psychology. Historical Geology because it will teach me more about the major that I’m interested in. And, I’m excited about the psychology class because it will allow me to study more psychology in the future. I’m really interested in learning and understanding more about interactions and traits of people.”
– Almnathir Alkindi, junior, geology
“I’m really excited about taking Ceramics for Non-Majors and History of Sport. I think the ceramics class will be a fun and easy – hopefully. It will also be a creative way to relieve stress. And I’m interested in learning more about sports dating back to ancient Greece.”
– Robbie Hart, junior, advertising/public relations
“In the fall semester I was an undeclared major. In the next semester, I’m looking forward to Principles of Macroeconomics because it will be the first class in my newly decided major.”
– Sam Connelley, freshman, business management
For more information on “Student Voice” or to submit a question, send email to tfedderson@unl.edu or call 402-472-8515.