High school students seeking transformative summer experiences can apply for three free high school programs hosted by the College of Business.
Discover Accounting, Discover Actuarial Science and the DREAMBIG Academy provide insight into potential careers in the world of business and a preview of college life at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. The programs serve high school students ranging from current sophomores to seniors.
Teachers, counselors and Nebraska alumni can nominate students they think would benefit from the experience by March 31. Applications are due April 8. Both nominations and applications can be submitted online at the individual program’s webpage. Students can attend more than one program if they choose.
“It’s never too early for high schoolers to start thinking about college and career options. Far too often, I see high school seniors who wait until the final hour to visit and apply to colleges, which leaves them stressed, anxious and overwhelmed,” said Kendra Ritchie, associate director of recruitment. “These College of Business programs help students start exploring business opportunities and building connections with college staff and faculty even before their senior year. Spending a few days on campus is a great way to check out the facilities, try the food and potentially qualify for scholarships.”
Discover Accounting | May 31-June 2
Discover Accounting gives current high school juniors and seniors a look at what majoring in accounting at Nebraska would offer and the potential careers associated with the field. Students stay in a residence hall, work on projects with current accounting students and meet graduates and industry professionals during tours of local companies.
Jill Trucke, associate professor of practice in accountancy, leads the pre-college program. She sees Discover Accounting as a chance to gain insight into the field of accounting that students might not receive in high school.
“If you have any sort of interest in business, whether in accounting or not, you should apply for Discover Accounting. Nebraska Business alum Warren Buffett (class of ’51) said, ‘Accounting is the language of business,’ and this program allows students to explore the field and see if it is for them,” said Trucke.
Discover Actuarial Science | June 12-14
At Discover Actuarial Science students will take the first step to find their future career in actuarial science or business. They will explore the actuarial science field and how actuaries solve complex, challenging problems that impact the financial security of people and businesses, including insurance companies, hospitals, banks and more. Students will work on projects with current actuarial science majors and meet graduates and industry professionals during tours of local companies. Applicants should be current high school sophomores and juniors with a 3.0 GPA or higher and completed algebra II.
“We are excited to offer this program because, while actuarial science has been around for a long time, many students are not aware of this field and the rewarding career opportunities available. By attending Discover Actuarial Science, students will participate in fun activities to learn what actuarial science is and what this career path can look like,” said Heather Clemens, Ameritas Actuarial Faculty Fellow, Seacrest Teaching Fellow, assistant director and associate professor of practice in actuarial science.

DREAMBIG Academy | July 16-19
A five-time gold award-winning program by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education District VI, the DREAMBIG Academy is designed to teach students general business and leadership skills, expose them to possible future careers and prepare them for the college search. The program empowers teens to experience college, including meeting professors, discussing areas of business and career skills, exploring college majors and resources, and discovering their individual strengths through hands-on projects.
Applicants should be current high school juniors with a 3.0 GPA or higher and meet at least one of the following criteria: first-generation college student, underrepresented identity or meet federal guidelines for low-income status or qualify for free or reduced lunch. Upon completion of the program, participants also qualify for the Emerging Leaders Scholarship, worth $8,000 over four years.
Participants get paired up with a mentor who is a current business student at Nebraska. Kaylee Donjuan Mendoza mentored students last summer, helping students in the program feel comfortable and at home at the university.
“As someone who is a first-generation student and comes from a minority background, everything is all about firsts. The DREAMBIG Academy provides an excellent opportunity for high school students to take their first steps toward college and a career in business,” she said.