The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Police Department released the annual campus security and fire safety report on Sept. 30.
The report, which is available online, contains the university’s crime and fire statistics for the last three years. Free paper copies can be requested during normal business hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays, at 300 N. 17th St., or by sending email to unl.police@unl.edu.
The report also includes a list of resources available to victims of crimes; various campus policy statements; links to sex offender registries; tips on how to avoid being a victim of a crime; information on how to report crimes; and details about campus programs on safety, security, drugs/alcohol, disciplinary procedures, fire safety and evacuations.
Owen Yardley, chief of police, encourages the campus community and members of the public to review the report as it contains a wealth of safety and security information, and identifies key university policies.
Yardley also said the university maintains a daily campus crime and fire record. Names and specific locations (such as residence hall room numbers) are not included in the daily record. The log is available online and at police headquarters.
For more information, click here.