UNL students applying for graduation now have a digital option.
Graduation Services — which continues to process traditional paper applications — started offering the online graduation form on Jan. 21. In the first three days of the new service, more than 430 students submitted electronic applications to become May graduates.
“The student response to this new service has been very favorable,” said Jennifer Verhein, assistant registrar in the Office of the University Registrar. “It really makes the whole graduation application process more convenient. I hope as many students as possible take advantage of this online system, and that they do so sitting at home, sitting on a comfortable couch and enjoying a hot cocoa.”
The online form is available through MyRED, UNL’s student information portal, to all students who meet certain academic criteria. All eligible students receive an email alert and a message through the MyRED system.
Unlike paper applications, the online form loads prepopulated with student name, address and degree information. The digital system is designed to save time for both students and university employees who process the forms.
“Students can change information in the form if necessary. And we do continue to review each application to make sure everything is correct,” Verhein said. “However, that electronic process is considerably faster than that of the paper application.”
On the morning of Jan. 23, Verhein spent about 15 minutes approving 129 digital applications for final degree checks. Verhein said the review process of a single paper application — which includes having to key the information into a computer — takes about 5 minutes.
“The digital system allows us to complete degree checks in less time and give students extra notice in regard to any deficiencies,” Verhein said.
Cost to submit a digital graduation application is $25 — the same as a paper form. However, the fee is billed directly to each student account. Students who submit paper forms must supply payment via check or cash.
All students who meet criteria to apply for graduation should have access to the online degree application starting Jan. 26. All applications for graduation — electronic or paper — are due Jan. 30.
Students who have submitted a paper application for graduation should not attempt to complete an electronic application. A second submission will result in an additional $25 charge.
The University of Nebraska’s Nebraska Student Information System technical support team assisted with the creation of the online form. Additional work was done by UNL’s Steve Booton, associate registrar; Melissa Clanton, assistant registrar; Kimberley Kraska, assistant registrar; and Verhein.
For more information about the online graduation application, call 402-472-3636.