The Glenn Korff School of Music’s choral program will present the holiday concerts “Welcome All Wonders” at 2:30 and 7 p.m. Dec. 8 at St. Paul United Methodist Church, 1144 M St. The concerts are free and open to the public.
Four traditional choirs from the Korff School will perform both individually and as a massed choir singing in the front, both side balconies and rear balconies, and will be accompanied by organ, percussion and brass. Traditional and new choral works will be performed under the direction of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln's choral faculty and staff.
“The audience will frequently be surrounded by beautiful sounds in the fantastic acoustics of St. Paul United Methodist Church,” said Peter Eklund, professor of music and director of choral activities.
The choirs participating include the University Singers, Varsity Chorus, University Chorale and All-Collegiate Choir. Composers including Benjamin Britten, Elaine Hagenberg, Shawn Kirchner, Felix Mendelssohn and Pavel Chesnovkov wrote the repertoire to be performed.
“The program consists of a wonderful repertoire to get the community in the holiday spirit,” said Donnie Torbett, a graduate student in choral conducting and assistant conductor for University Singers. “When I think of music for the holidays, I immediately think of choral music."