Campus Recreation will offer free fitness events as part of “Celebrate EVERYbody Week,” Feb. 15-20.
The week is designed to promote healthy body image. This is the second year Campus Recreation has offered the free week of classes. The event will also include various giveaways.
“We spend so much time analyzing what we do not like about ourselves and what we want to change,” said Sarah Lewis, group fitness coordinator for Campus Recreation. “Celebrate EVERYbody Week hopes to change that perception and help us celebrate what makes us special and unique.”
The week culminates in a free “Rock What You Got Dance Party,” from 4 to 6 p.m. Feb. 20. The event will feature a special drop-in class that will feature a variety of workout classes available through UNL’s recreation centers. The dance party offerings include: 4 p.m., warmup and Zumba; 4:15 p.m., cardio dance; 4:35 p.m., cardio kickboxing; 4:50 p.m., cardio dance; 5:10 p.m., HIIT Strength; 5:25 p.m., cardio dance; and 5:40 p.m., yoga and cool down.
Giveaways during the dance party include a glow-in-the dark yoga mat; Scooter’s Coffee gift card; nutrition consultation; 60-minute massage; all-class fitness pass; and yoga socks.
Group fitness classes are available year-round through Campus Recreation. Special all-class fitness passes are available. For more information on the classes, click here or call Lewis at 402-472-6170.
Free events offered to UNL students and Campus Recreation members during “Celebrate EVERYbody Week” include:
Monday, Feb. 15 8 to 8:50 p.m. — Candlelight Flow Yoga, City Campus Rec Center, Fitness Room
Tuesday, Feb. 16 6 to 6:50 p.m. — High-Intensity Interval Training: Kettlebell, Recreation and Wellness Center, East Campus, South Studio,
Wednesday, Feb. 17 5:30 to 6:20 p.m. — Cycling, Campus Rec Center, Cycle Studio 7 to 7:50 p.m. — Total Body Tone, Campus Rec Center, Cycle Studio
Thursday, Feb. 18 9 to 9:50 p.m. — Zumba, Campus Rec Center, Fitness Room
Friday, Feb. 19 12:15 to 1 p.m. — Cycling, Recreation and Wellness Center, East Campus, East Studio 5 to 5:50 p.m. — Beginner’s Yoga, City Campus Rec Center, Fitness Room
Saturday, Feb. 20 4 to 6 p.m. — Rock What You Got Dance Party, Campus Rec Center, Courts 7 and 8