The annual University of Nebraska-Lincoln Double Reed Day is Feb. 6 at Westbrook Music Building. The event is open to all students, teachers and professional oboists and bassoonists.
Guest artists include Michele Fiala, professor of oboe at Ohio University, and Kristin Wolfe Jensen, professor of bassoon at the University of Texas at Austin. Registration remains open and is available online.
The complete Double Reed Day schedule is:
9:30 a.m. — Master classes for visiting oboe and bassoon students
11 a.m. — Sampler recital of UNL college oboe and bassoon students
12:30 p.m. — Lunch
1:30 p.m. — Master classes for visiting oboe and bassoon students
3 p.m. — Faculty and guest artist recital
4 p.m. — Reading session with all oboes and bassoons
7 p.m. — Optional reed making session for oboists