Parking and Transit Services is again offering a free StarTran bus pass with every UNL parking permit order.
The bus pass must be requested via email to unlpts@unl.edu after individuals complete a parking permit order for the next fiscal/academic year.
The online ordering system for parking permits experienced slow load times on April 15-16. The issue was resolved April 17. Orders can be completed for fiscal year faculty/staff (July 1 to June 30), academic year student (Aug. 15, 2014 to Aug. 16, 2015), nine month (Aug. 15 to May 15), and fall semester (Aug. 15 to Dec. 31).
Over the counter orders begin June 1 for faculty and staff and July 1 for students.
Online preorders for fiscal year permits will be mailed to faculty and staff offices in June. Online preorders for nine-month or semester permits will be mailed in August.
For more information, go to http://parking.unl.edu/home or call 402-472-1800.