The UNL parking permit preorder period begins April 15.
Permit orders can be completed online for fiscal year faculty/staff (July 1 to June 30), academic year student (Aug. 15, 2014 to Aug. 16, 2015), nine month (Aug. 15 to May 15), and fall semester (Aug. 15 to Dec. 31).
Over the counter orders begin June 1.
Parking fees will increase $1 per month all permit holders. The increase is the first in three academic years and just the second since 2010.
“We work very hard to avoid charging students, faculty and staff more to park on campus, but an increase in operating costs forced our hand this year,” said Dan Carpenter, director of Parking and Transit Services. “In addition to increased operating costs, the fee increase will also fund two new positions — a communicator and a parking gate system technician — both of which will help us provide better customer service.”
Students, faculty and staff can order permits at http://go.unl.edu/d8xn, logging in with existing My.UNL account username and password combinations. The My.UNL username and password are the same used to log into Blackboard, campus email and Active Directory.
Faculty, and staff students who order a parking permit are also eligible to receive a free StarTran bus pass. Please check the bus pass with permit order check box at the bottom of the permit selection page.
Online preorders for fiscal year permits will be mailed to faculty and staff offices in June. Online preorders for nine-month or semester permits will be mailed in August.
Carpool permits for faculty and staff are available via over-the-counter purchases. Those wishing to become part of the carpool program can inquire about lots or garages available.
Other requirements for the carpool program include:
A carpool application must be completed and returned by one member of the carpool.
All members of the carpool must be employed with UNL as regular full time, benefits eligible staff and live off campus. Spouses and cohabitants are excluded.
After acceptance each carpool member must complete a permit application (all vehicles used by carpool members must be included on the application).
For more information about UNL parking permits, go to http://parking.unl.edu/home.