Applications are being accepted for the fourth round of the University of Nebraska’s Rural Futures Institute Competitive Awards.
The awards are designed to help turn research and teaching ideas into programs that can have an impact on rural people and places.
There are two types of awards you can apply for:
Research and Engagement
(March 15 submission deadline)
The purpose of the Research and Engagement Award is to foster the development of research and engagement work that addresses critical challenges and opportunities facing rural areas. These awards are to function as “seed grants” that are designed to lay the foundation for larger requests to funding sources external to the University of Nebraska.
Teaching and Engagement
(March 1 submission deadline)
The purpose of the Teaching and Engagement Award is to foster the development of teaching and engagement work that establishes a tradition of faculty-led community engagement and service learning programming. The award program particularly encourages the development of civic engagement in both students and community partners and encourages college student involvement in providing services to meet community needs.
For more information, including full request for proposal details and how to submit proposals, go to http://ruralfutures.nebraska.edu/rfigrants.