A partnership degree program between the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and Zhejiang University City College in Hangzhou, China, will expand in 2017.
The program, which started in 2011, allows Chinese students to complete two years of study at Zhejiang University before transferring to UNL to finish degree requirements. Discussions between Harvey Perlman, professor of law and former UNL chancellor, and Wu Jian, president of Zhejiang University, in June have led to a proposed expansion of the program, which will allow UNL students to study at Zhejiang University while serving as English language assistants in the partnership degree program.
Both institutions are working to develop the new study abroad opportunity and offer it in 2017. Administrators are also discussing other opportunities to offer UNL students, faculty and staff the chance to study and teach in Hangzhou.
During the visit, Perlman addressed the UNL-Zhejiang University Partnership Degree Program class of 2018 on June 15. The ceremony marked the completion of two years of study in Hangzhou for the students and the start of work on completing requirements for a UNL undergraduate degree.
The 26 students honored during the ceremony will arrive in Lincoln in August. To date, the UNL-Zhejiang University program has allowed more than 150 students to work toward degrees.
Historically, the program has attracted students primarily toward UNL’s College of Engineering, College of Business Administration and College of Arts and Sciences. Recently, the program has expanded to include other colleges as students are now seeking a broader range of degrees, including those in social sciences, humanities and education disciplines.
Nearly every student enrolled in the UNL-Zhejiang program have been academically successful at UNL. More than 60 percent of the graduates have gone on to earn admission to highly-ranked graduate programs within the United States.
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