The University Libraries’ 50th anniversary celebration of the Archives and Special Collections continues this fall with the Archives Afternoons series.
The first of four presentations will focus on United States military and wartime history, including information about two Nebraska alumni who created psychological warfare materials during World War II. The presentation, which is 1 p.m. Aug. 30 in the Adele Learning Commons on the first floor of Love Library North, will be led by Josh Caster, archives manager.
All of the hour-long Archive Afternoons presentations begin at 1 p.m. in the consultation space across from the AKSus desk in the Adele Learning Commons. Other session dates, topics and University Archives presenters are:
Sept. 20 — Husker Sports History, Pete Brink, assistant archivist;
Oct. 18 — Crafted Memories through Scrapbooking, Traci Robison, photograph and exhibits specialist; and
Nov. 15 — 50 Years of Media, Blake Graham, assistant professor of libraries and digital archivist.