The Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Women is accepting award nominations for outstanding faculty, staff and students who have worked to create a climate that encourages women to succeed at Nebraska.
Outstanding Contributions to the Status of Women Awards are given to individuals or groups who demonstrate a sustained and tangible impact on the campus community. Two awards, one for faculty or staff members and one for students or student organizations, will be presented.
Nominations and a letter of support are due Feb. 7 to Jody Wood, administrative coordinator in the office of Institutional Equity and Compliance, either in person or by email. Nomination forms, lists of past recipients and additional directions are available on the commission website.
The awards will be presented at the Women’s History Month Dinner March 12. For ticket information, contact Jeff Rech at 402-472-5668.
Additional questions about the awards can be directed to Pat Tetreault at 402-472-2598.