Nebraska is restarting the Century Club, a program that offers resources and support to teachers of classes of 100 or more students.
The group, organized by the Executive Vice Chancellor and Teaching Council, will meet from 7:30 to 9 a.m. Jan. 16 in Love Library’s Peterson Room (221 Love South). Cal Garbin, John Weaver Professor of Psychology and part of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Academy of Distinguished Teachers, will lead the session, discussing the frequent mismatch between course expectations of students and teachers.
Offered in years past, the Century Club is being restarted through a request by the Teaching Council, a committee with the university’s Faculty Senate. The club is a proactive way to provide assistance to faculty and graduate students leading large classrooms.
“Teaching in a large lecture setting can be challenging, especially if teachers are making a good effort to engage students,” said Judy Walker, associate vice chancellor for faculty and academic affairs, and a professor of mathematics. “The Century Club is really an informal way for faculty and graduate students who are teaching these large lecture courses to get together and share ideas and success strategies.”
Additional Century Club sessions in the spring semester are Feb. 6, March 6 and April 3. Each meeting is 7:30 to 9 a.m. in 221 Love Library South.
Though designed for teachers of large classrooms, the sessions are free and open to the university’s entire teaching community.
For more information, contact Danielle McRell at danielle.mcrell@unl.edu or 402-472-6943.