In Lincoln alone, 17 percent of all residents live in poverty.
This means 43,455 residents in Nebraska’s state capital earn less than $23,624 per year as a family of four or less.
Through its participation in the annual Lincoln-area Combined Campaign for Health and Human Services, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is among the local organizations working to make a difference in the community.
“Our university is part of this community, and we have an opportunity to give back to help those who are in need,” Chancellor Ronnie Green said. “While we are all impacted differently, we can all unite by giving to the United Way or one of its partners. Please join me in taking action to make the lives of our children, families, neighbors and co-workers a little better.”
Through the first week of the 2017 campaign, 209 university employees have donated $78,465. That number of employees represents just three percent of the university’s workforce.
The annual community pledge drive continues through Oct. 27.

The Combined Campaign benefits three federations — Community Health Charities of Nebraska, Community Services Fund of Nebraska and United Way of Lincoln and Lancaster County. The three federations represent more than 130 local agencies that assist members of the community.
A variety of giving options are offered. Employees may give to any specific agency or to the three general funds.
This year marks the first digital campaign for the university — pledge packets will not be distributed, as in previous years. Using a web browser (Internet Explorer is preferred), click here to sign in with your NU ID and enter the password “gobigred.” Once logged in, you will be prompted to create a new password.
For those wishing to access a printable version of the pledge form, click here. Printed pledge forms can be brought to Kendra Ellis in 307 Canfield Administration.
Any technical questions can be directed to Michelle Campbell at mcampbell@unitedwaylincoln.com or 402-441-7173.
The university is consistently among the top organizations participating in the Combined Campaign. Last year, university employees donated nearly $400,000 and finished among the top five in total dollars collected.
To date, Nebraska employees have contributed more than $7 million to the campaign.
Examples of gift impacts include:
A $10 donation can provide a backpack of food for a student over a weekend.
A $20 donation can provide a meal, blanket and comfort kit to an individual affected by a disaster.
A $50 donation can purchase sunscreen and beach towels for a Make-A-Wish Nebraska trip.
A $100 donation can provide rent or utility assistance to a struggling family.