The University of Nebraska–Lincoln is adding an additional layer to its system that alerts the campus community to emergency situations.
Marked by temporary, blue tape X’s on campus walls, a network of Alertus Beacons is being installed within buildings across City and East campuses. When complete, the bright yellow devices will signal emergency alerts via sound, flashing lights and a text display, instantly informing nearby students, faculty, staff and visitors to danger.
The beacons will be an extension of mass notifications made via UNL Alert and on desktops connected to the university’s network.
“Our mass notification system is designed to provide good, useful information so our community can make good decisions during stressful times,” said Mark Robertson, emergency management director with the University Police Department. “And, we use multiple modes and methods to deliver those messages, assuring that those affected are informed of emergencies as soon as possible, helping keep them safe.”
The beacons are being installed by University Operations with support from Emergency Management. Installation will be a progression — from blue X, mounting, wiring and linking to the university network.
For information on the Alertus Beacon installation, contact Rick Haney at rick.haney@unl.edu or Cain Dixon at cdixon2@unl.edu.
Learn more about the university’s emergency notifications network. Members of the campus community can complete registration for UNL Alert, which provides notices via text messages and emails to designated devices and addresses.