The theme for the University of Nebraska’s homecoming celebration in 1942 was “Scrap Homecoming,” doubling up the purpose and supporting efforts related to World War II. Rather than building decorations, students held a scrap drive, hauling metal and rubber to their front lawns. Competitors were judged on the amount of items collected and the originality of their banner design.
Overall, students collected 150 tons of scrap during the drive. Learn more about the drive, and the outcome of the game against Indiana (the same team the Huskers face in the 2022 homecoming game this Saturday), in the Daily Nebraskan.

“From the Archives” is a new weekly feature in Nebraska Today. Images are provided by Traci Robison, outreach archivist and assistant professor of practice with Archives and Special Collections in the University Libraries. Explore the Archives and Special Collections online. For more information, contact Troy Fedderson at tfedderson2@unl.edu or 402-472-8515.