The University of Nebraska Foundation will offer a Give to Lincoln Day focus on supporting the Center for Advocacy, Response and Education.
Offered at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, CARE is a lifeline for students, faculty and staff who have experienced trauma. Therapy services offered via CARE are confidential, survivor-centered and offered at no-cost to the campus community.
Recently, CARE expanded its services by providing a trauma-informed, graduate-level therapist. Utilizing evidence-based interventions such as cognitive processing therapy and prolonged exposure, the therapist treats individuals experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder or other trauma-related symptoms.
CARE plans to add a second therapist this summer. Gifts to help expand the program may be made online anytime between now and May 24. Learn more about how to give to CARE through the NU Foundation [here]((https://www.givetolincoln.com/nonprofits/university-of-nebraska-foundation).
The NU Foundation is one of nearly 20 campus-adjacent nonprofit organizations featured in the Lincoln Community Foundation’s Give to Lincoln Day fundraiser on May 24.
Give to Lincoln Day supports local nonprofits and causes. More than 455 local charities have registered for the 2023 event. Each participating nonprofit organization will receive a proportional share of the $500,000 match fund, based on its percentage of total dollars raised.
Learn more about the community fundraiser and how to donate here.
Campus-adjacent nonprofit organizations participating in the 2023 event include:
{Lutheran Center](https://www.givetolincoln.com/nonprofits/lutheran-center-unl)