The University of Nebraska–Lincoln College of Law’s Law and Democracy Series will host Rick Hasen, professor of law and director of the Safeguarding Democracy Project at University of California, Los Angeles Law, from noon to 1 p.m. Feb. 14 via Zoom.
Register here.
Hasan is one of the most prominent election scholars in the country.
In his talk, “Safeguarding American Democracy,” Hasen will discuss how the 2020 election still reverberates in American politics, raising the risk that U.S. election results could be subverted by illegal action. Some encouraging signs came in the 2022 midterms, with the defeat of many election denier candidates in swing states. Have the risks to American democracy diminished, or are free and fair elections still in danger?
For questions, contact Katie Pfannenstiel at 402-472-8382 or kabp@unl.edu.