Nebraska’s Ann Mari May recently published a groundbreaking account exploring the role of women during the formative years of the economics profession, from the late 19th century into the post-World War II period.
The book, “Gender and the Dismal Science: Women in the Early Years of the Economics Profession” (Columbia University Press), blends rich historical detail with extensive empirical data to examine the structural and institutional factors that excluded women, from graduate education to academic publishing to university hiring practices.
Revealing the historical roots of the homogeneity of economics, the book sheds new light on why biases against women persist today.
Gender and the Dismal Science combines careful archival research, innovative empirical work, and a compelling narrative to tell the story of the barriers that women economists have faced since the birth of the field,” said Justin Wolfers, professor of economics and public policy at the University of Michigan. “With an accessible and compelling voice, Ann Mari May ensures this history of the hidden half can now be seen.”
May, a professor of economics, will attend a book signing at Barnes and Noble, 2910 Pine Lake Road, from 2 to 3 p.m. July 23.