Following a record-breaking celebration last year, Global Affairs invites all academic departments, offices and student organizations to host an event for International Education Week (IEW) in November.
In line with the Forward Together global strategy, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln joins institutions around the world each November to highlight global education opportunities and multicultural diversity through International Education Week. IEW is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education that is celebrated in more than 100 countries as individuals and institutions celebrate the benefits of international exchange.
Last year, the Nebraska calendar included more than 100 events hosted by more than 40 campus partners in a record-breaking month-long celebration. Although the official dates are Nov. 14 to 18, NU will again celebrate IEW for the entire month from Nov. 1 to 22. The extension helps better accommodate student schedules towards the end of the semester and provides additional opportunities to highlight the variety of global education opportunities at Nebraska.
All campus units – including colleges, services units, student RSOs and individuals – are invited to host an event as part of the celebrations, in compliance with the university’s current event policies.
Some examples of common event ideas include, but are not limited to:
Information sessions on study abroad and international internship opportunities
World language conversation tables or workshops
Social media takeovers of students currently abroad or engaged in the local international community
Student presentations on their home countries or cultures
Panel discussions, lectures and presentations on topics such as international research, global careers and post-graduate opportunities
Virtual or in-person open houses with global features
Visitor booths hosted at the Nebraska Union for multicultural or international involvement opportunities
Global Affairs serves as the facilitating partner for the university’s celebration, including managing the official IEW website. The website includes a comprehensive calendar of special and recurring events in November that support International Education Week, as well as planning resources and event archives.
Each unit is responsible for planning and hosting their event. All students, faculty and staff are also welcome to join the celebration by using #IEW2022 and #IEWatUNL on social media.
For additional details about IEW or to add your event to the calendar, contact Chris Heselton, associate director of Global Partnerships and Initiatives, at christopher.heselton@unl.edu. Final event details should be submitted no later than Oct. 25.