The Office of Global Strategies invites campus partners to host an event during the annual celebration of International Education Week Nov. 13-17.
This week is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the U.S. Department of Education.
This yearly event serves to promote programs that prepare participants for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study, learn and exchange experiences.
More than 100 countries worldwide celebrate International Education Week. All departments or colleges are encouraged to participate.

The Office of Global Strategies will publicize and promote all campus events.
To host an event or ask questions, contact Rachel Ayalon at rayalon2@unl.edu.
Past events have included:
- cultural fairs, dances, art exhibits or musical performances
- panel presentations or lectures on a global topic
- international career panels or lectures about working abroad
- foreign language conversation tables or workshops
- opportunities to promote upcoming Education Abroad activities
- international student presentations on their home country
- open houses
Event submissions are due Nov. 3. When promoting the event on social media, using #IEW2017 on all social media posts is encouraged.