The Bureau of Sociological Research is making plans for the winter administration of the 2023 Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey. Researchers are invited to consider adding questions for their own research objectives to this survey.
Costs are estimated to be $7,500 a page this year. As many of the previous NASIS clients already know, this omnibus survey can be a valuable source of information regarding the opinions and behaviors of adult household residents in Nebraska.
NASIS is a mail survey of around 1,000 Nebraska adults historically completed annually. It has been conducted since 1977 and is recognized by researchers, state agencies and legislators as a scientific way to measure public opinion and behaviors regarding various issues that face Nebraskans. BOSR works with researchers interested in participating to develop items for inclusion in the survey to best suit researchers’ needs and interests. It is a very cost effective way to obtain valuable survey data because the expense for obtaining basic demographic information (such as age, sex, family, employment, etc.) is shared by all participating researchers.
If interested in participating, or simply have questions about possible involvement, contact Amanda Ganshert at aganshert@unl.edu. Visit the NASIS website for more information about the survey.
Data collection is scheduled to begin January 2023 with client data delivered in May 2023. In order to stay on this timeline, BOSR would like to initiate discussions with prospective clients as soon as possible and no later than Nov. 4.