The University of Nebraska–Lincoln released the following statement Oct. 12:
On Aug. 25, Chancellor Ronnie Green announced the temporary suspension of the Phi Gamma Delta (Fiji) fraternity, pending an investigation into violations of an existing probation. The University Conduct Board determined that violations of the Student Code of Conduct did occur and has suspended the Fiji fraternity through 2026. During this time, the fraternity is no longer recognized by the university.
The fraternity house at 1425 R St. is private property and is not under university control. Any private use of the building is determined by the Phi Gamma Delta housing corporation.
A separate criminal investigation by the University Police Department into the reported sexual assault is open and ongoing.
In UNL’s continuing efforts to prevent sexual misconduct and to support victims, two weeks ago Chancellor Green announced a permanent Chancellor’s Commission for the Prevention of Sexual Misconduct, building on the work of the campus-wide Collaborative in 2019.
The university has also committed to additional staffing and support for the Center for Advocacy, Response and Education (CARE); creating a director of education on sexual misconduct; improving mandatory training for students, faculty and staff; and repurposing Neihardt Hall into a one-stop resource that includes new, more accessible facilities for student advocacy and support services.